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Bring Out The Beauty Of Surfaces With The Faber Enhancer Plus

Bring Out The Beauty Of Surfaces With The Faber Enhancer Plus

Bring Out The Beauty Of Surfaces With The Faber Enhancer Plus

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Caring for your stone installations – whether they are on floors, backsplashes, countertops and walls, is key to keep them in optimal condition. After all, you invested heavily in time and resources to get the installation that accurately brings out your style and décor preferences. You don’t want to watch your installation getting covered in unsightly stains or premature wear caused by dirt and daily traffic. Taking measures to enhance the durability of the surfaces is key. However, there are more factors to consider. For starters, how will the finishes used impact the colour and tone of the surface? In case you have polished the floor, will the resultant sheen be altered? What about the area that the installation is in – is it indoors, or outdoors where the surface is exposed to the weather elements? Even indoors, there are areas like bathrooms that call for products that can withstand the wet conditions involved. Here, we will delve into the Faber Enhancer Plus, and what it brings on board. 

From Aesthetics to Surface Protection

In its primary role of enhancing the colour and tone of the surface, this solvent-based formulation delivers on its mandate. The Faber Enhancer Plus is an impregnating agent, penetrating into the surface and making the existing colours and patterns of the installation more prominent, and doesn’t form a surface film. The product goes a step further to set mat finish, with the wet look sprucing up the decor of the space. Moreover, the treatment is resistant to UV radiation, and as such will not end up yellowing over time. 

With its hydro-oleo phobic properties, the Faber Enhancer Plus is particularly effective in protecting the treated surface from stains and water damage. In fact, it is so effective in repelling water that you can use it to treat surfaces in showers, saunas, all through to installations like fountains, which are predominantly wet areas. These attributes combine to enable the obtained aesthetic effect to last for longer. 

The Faber Enhancer Plus has been developed for use on compact materials and non-absorbent surfaces, or those with a polished finish. This ranges from agglomerates like Marble-resin and Quartz-resin installations, molten basalt, granite, limestone and marble, all through to reconstituted (eco) stone and travertine. This is for both indoor and outdoor installations. Note that if you’re treating an installation where the tiles have been recently laid, or it’s a case of fresh grout that has been applied, first allow the adhesives used or grout to cure before the application. Also, the product is not suitable for installations that have a rough finish or highly absorbent surfaces. 

The brand itself is an industrial heavyweight, with different lines of products geared to meeting diverse client needs – for both dealing with natural stone installations, as well as management building materials like ceramics. This includes stone factories, installers, marble workers, professional cleaning companies, to the DIY homeowner taking care of the surfaces in their household. With a long track record that spans back to the late 1980s, Faber has proven itself over the decades to be a reliable source of surface care solutions. From its roots in Italy, the products of Faber have now expanded to markets across the greater Europe, Middle East and Asian territories. Heavy investments in research and development, as well as maintaining consistent standards, have seen it win the loyalty of their clients. It’s such kind of reliability that you get when you turn to the Faber Enhancer Plus to work on the surface in your home or business premises. 

How To Use The Faber Enhancer Plus

Different tools can be used for the application. You can work with a lambswool applicator, roller, cloth use a brush or even airless spray. This will all depend on the particular areas you’re working, the expanse that needs to be covered, as well as the equipment that you find most convenient for you. The application of the Faber Enhancer Plus is easy. Follow these steps:

  1. Clean the surface that is to be treated. Dirt and dust getting trapped under the formulation will ruin the results. 

After the cleaning, allow the surface to fully dry since the Faber Enhancer Plus should not be applied onto wet surfaces. 

  1. Spread a thick layer of the formulation over the surface. Ensure that it is evened out. 
  2. Give the treatment 10 minutes then assess for sections where there could be excess product or residue, and redistribute it to achieve a uniform coverage.
  • If you’re dealing with surfaces that are more absorbent, then you can add a second coat of the Faber Enhancer Plus. This is carried out 1-2 hours after the first coat was applied. 
  • The application rate will vary from one situation to the next depending on how thick the coat applied is, and the absorbency of the surface. Generally, each litre of the Faber Enhancer Plus will suffice for 10-15m² of surface area. This wide application rate, coupled with the affordable price tag of the solvent-based formulation, contributes to reducing the costs incurred in the process.
  1. Allow the treatment to fully dry. This will be within 2 hours after the final coat has been applied. However, only allow foot traffic after 6 hours have elapsed. Also, the surface should not be washed for at least 24-48 hours after application. This is to give the treatment time to form a firm bond, before you resume the usual daily maintenance of the area.

Since this is a solvent-based formulation, use white spirit to clean the equipment that you have used for the application. 

  • Remember to protect adjacent areas that are not to be treated with the product. 
  • It’s always recommended that you test a surface care product on a hidden section to control the suitability of the formulation for your particular installation. 
  • In case a water-repellent primer has been applied to the surface before the treatment, first wait for the primer to fully cure. 
  • The day-to-day care of surfaces treated with the Faber Enhancer Plus can be carried out with the ideal formulations from the same brand, based on the particular type of surface in question. These are the likes of the Faber Neutral Cleaner, to enable you to maintain that clean, elegant result. 

Bring Out The Beauty Of Surfaces With The Faber Enhancer Plus
