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  • Activated Carbon


Type : Sell
Date : July 28, 2021
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : -

Activated Carbon

Activated carbon manufacturer and supplier ACC offers a wide range of activated carbon products for different applications such as water treatment, food & beverage, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, oil & gas, dyeing and printing, supercapacitor.

Our activated carbon products include granular activated carbon, powdered activated carbon, extruded activated carbon, spherical activated carbon, specialty activated carbon, which are produced from selected coal-based, or vegetable-based raw materials like anthracite, bituminous coal, wood, coconut shell, bamboo, nut shell, etc.

ACC also offers customized products and services for specific needs and requirements. Visit to learn more.

Activated Carbon – Granular | Powdered | Extruded | Spherical | Specialty


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